Color corrections are some of the most intense color appointments, and Rian LaFleur covered foundational techniques required to master the art of correcting a color issue. The class centered around the concept that there are four ways that color goes wrong. It’s either too light, too dark, too warm, or too cool. Focusing on these four color issues enables our stylists to always remain confident and in control when a color mishap walks through the door.
As a Wella Artist and Master Color Expert with 21 years of experience, Rian has a wealth of experience and expertise in the area of color corrections as well as fashion hairstyling. He has worked Fashion Weeks in Los Angeles and New York, and was named the Lead Stylist of Runway Houston.
“Rian emphasized the importance of protecting the integrity of our guests’ hair. He compared hair to fabric, saying “we want it to feel like silk, not burlap.” This really resonated with me because I’m always looking for new ways to explain to my guests that it can take more than one appointment to achieve the color they want in order to keep their hair healthy.”
-Stylist Kait Powers