R+Co breaks the mold to provide powerful products created by a trio of three not-so-like-minded individuals – Howard McLaren, Thom Priano, and Garren – whose sum is definitely greater than its parts. As a Luxury Brand Partners brand, R+Co classes are taught at LBP Studios in the Wynwood District of Miami.
Stylists Michael, Nikki, and Kristen visited LBP Studios to experience the philosophy of R+Co in a Curly Hair Cutting class. Lead R+Co Instructor Andrean Noir guided the class as stylists examined their model’s curl patterns. Each tendril moves differently, so creating a cohesive look to enhance the hair’s organic waves requires visionary artistic skills.
The concept of visual cutting gives stylists a chance to create a custom look for each individual based on their own personal thickness, texture, and wave pattern.” – Michael Knight